Saturday, September 24, 2011

terima kasih , sayang .

petang smlm rase marah sangat . sampai pening2 kpale . arini malas marah2 dah . let past be past. and u girl , aku xtau nak cakap camne . u really2 make me ARRRRGGGGHH!
kalau di ikutkan amarah ni , tahla. syukur ALLAH itu wujud . membunuh setiap syaitan yg memarakkan api kemarahan ni . Amin . ~

Friday, September 9, 2011

meaningful :)

The smile on your face
Lets me know
That you need me
There's a truth
In your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says
You'll catch me
Whenever I fall
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all ..

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

saya rindu awak.

yes sayang. i miss u sooooo much. myb org jarang cakap , or terlebih banyak ckp. haha. anywayssss. i've seen u wear those dress . yg xpuas atinye , i dont hv the chance to see u wear kurung's . frust nye. owh btw . pic kat bwh ni buat im FALLING in love again la kat awak .  u look really differenttt.

walaupun kecik kat dlm pic tu , dlm ati saye ni , wak besaaaarrrr sgt. haha. miss u hun ;(

Thursday, September 1, 2011

let past be past.

well , harap2 bole jek buat mcm ape yang aku cakap kat atas tu. tapi x . im missing her , 
every second . and yet , i couldnt forgive myself , how can others ?
aku xtau kenapa ujian ni berat sangat . harap2 boleh get through je bnde ni , and all i can do is just keep on wishing every second.

Dah seminggu aku dok menung jekkk. nasib aku baik , masih dikurniakan keluarga , kawan2 dan tentu sekali , Allah yg maha esa.

Miss A.
i am really hoping that we can get pass through this test together. And i hope that all this struggling and pain mendatangkan hikmah yang baik utk kita nnt . but for now , all i can do is be patience . n keep on praying . :(